On the left is the pile of reading on mydesk - I have to do.
I write - ‘I have to do’ - because there are tons of papers, books reports that need attention – yet I write this blog – great escape!
Here's a blog that will lurch from wild imaginings to complete falsehoods. ------------------------ Do not seek meaning in these words. ------------------------ Seek meaning in your deeds. "The heights by great men reached and kept Were not attained by sudden flight, But they, while their companions slept, Were toiling upward in the night." -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
It's December 30, 2005 - Watch the sea.
The surf. The sand. Boogie boarding like a maniac – nearly killed myself - twice – but – wow! the thrill of falling off the peak of a wave and picking up speed to ride ahead of a wave is unmatched even by skiing (yet to try parachuting).
Tomorrow the forecast is for an unbearable 40 degrees Celsius! – For those recalcitrant still using the archaic Fahrenheit range…no idea - it’s fucking hot.
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Do not ask permission to dream
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