Saturday, December 30, 2006

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Worthy Blogs

Customers Rock!
Being Peter Kim
Andy Nulman
Billions With Zero Knowledge
Working at Home on the Internet
MapleLeaf 2.0
Darren Barefoot
Two Hat Marketing

The Engaging Brand
The Branding Blog
Golden Practices
Tell Ten Friends
Flooring the Consumer
Kinetic Ideas
Unconventional Thinking
Conversation Agent
The Copywriting Maven
Hee-Haw Marketing
Scott Burkett’s Pothole on the Infobahn
Multi-Cult Classics
Logic + Emotion
Branding & Marketing
Carpe Factum
Steve’s 2 Cents
Popcorn n Roses
On Influence & Automation
Servant of Chaos
Make it Great!
Presentation Zen
Dmitry Linkov
Urban Jacksonville
John Wagner
Nick Rice
CKs Blog
Design Sojourn
Frozen Puck
The Sartorialist
Small Surfaces
Africa Unchained
Marketing Nirvana
Bob Sutton
¡Hola! Oi! Hi!
Shut Up and Drink the Kool-Aid!
Women, Art, Life: Weaving It All Together
Community Guy
Social Media on the fly
Jeremy Latham’s Blog
SMogger Social Media Blog
37 Days

A Clear Eye
Alex Halavais
Blog Brothers
Brand Autopsy

Brand Soul
Creating Passionate Users
Crossroads Dispatches
Doc Searls

FAST Company
gillianic tendencies
Good Experience
Hitchhikers Guide to the Blogosphere
How to Save the World
Josh Hallett
Joy of Six
Learned on Women
Make it Great
my topography
New Charm School
Occupational Adventure
Orbit Now
PureLand Mountain
Seth Godin
Songs of Experience
Talking Story
Time Goes By
Tom Peters

Tomorrow Today
World Changing
Tertiary Education
Joyful Jubilant Learning

Creative Think
Movie Marketing Madness
Blog Till You Drop!
Get Shouty!
One Reader at a Time
100 Bloggers
Critical Fluff
The New PR
Own Your Brand!
Work, in Plain English
Buzz Canuck
New Millenium PR
Pardon My French
The Instigator Blog
Diva Marketing
Marketing Hipster
The Marketing Minute
Funny Business
The Frager Factor
Open The Dialogue
Word Sell
Note to CMO:
That’s Great Marketing!
Shotgun Marketing Blog

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Friday, December 01, 2006

Technorati Profile

How I try to spend my days – Manifesto to my children

Do what you value

This is different from doing what you love. I love chocolate but making it is not what I value – no disrespect to chocolateurs.

I value hard work and innovation and surprises and play. And because I value them I work on them.

Do not seek permission to dream

You know what’s right. It’s in your genes to be the punk rocker of your life.

Yet we often (constantly?) seek endorsement, sanctioning, approval from defined and undefined authorities.

This is a vestigial remnant of too many years in the schooling system – self appointed authorities that demand your respect, when you know you should just…


It’s a verb – NOT just a fuzzy feeling inside.

Love demands actions. So when you say you love something make sure your actions say it too.

Respect your art

Whatever ‘art’ you’ve chose for yourself: from selling strategy to film making, from basket weaving to driving trucks, from taming lions to plumbing houses and everything in between.

Respect means you’ll work at it to do better than what you did yesterday and the day before.

Respect the artist

Don’t be too hard on yourself – just showing up everyday is a big achievement when most have stopped showing up a long time ago.

Be humble to your art but not submissive.

Be there and…

…Be present

You have to be in the moment to make the moment count. Get rid of distractions and do what you value.

There’s no TRYING - it’s all about TRYING.

Do not make TRYING an escape clause – as in “I’m trying this to see if it works, if not I’ll quit.” There’s no trying – there’s doing.

And yet, it’s all about trying. After all, no one walks before crawling.
Be sure to know the difference.


It’s one of the few hallmarks of being a human being. The ability to read meaning in abstract scrawls and symbols is uniquely human.
Write love letters and poetry. Write menus and business plans, write novels and your dreams and fear. Even write abuse if you need to. But put it in writing. Do it with style. Write.

Rinse Repeat

Persistence pays off.

The mightiest mountain will crumble under the gentlest breeze of eternal winds.

Make Stuff


You can change the world with a pencil, a piece of paper, a chunk of
charcoal and piece of cardboard, a paintbrush, a crayon, a d-cam, a
blog, a cell phone, a recorder; a projector, some clay and a kiln, some
wood and a few tools, some sticks, stones, and grasses, a stove and
some vegetables, found glass, paper, metal, plastic, a torch, a welder,
a stick and some sand, a knife to carve with, an idea, some mud and
hay, a computer, some seeds, a needle and thread and scrap of fabric,
the list goes on. You can change yourself by using any of this stuff or
any thing else that might come to mind and hand.

Why we make stuff matters. How we make stuff is secondary. Any method,
material or vehicle that allows you to get to what you're trying to
see/feel/say/suggest is equally valid. What we make is not the point.
That we make, that we DO, is.

Making stuff develops the ability to see, hear, taste, smell and feel.
Making stuff is about problem solving, the openness to possibilities,
development of skills, internal and external navigation and resolution,
a sense of exploration and adventure. Making stuff transforms one from
a consumer to a contributor. Making stuff is not passive. Making stuff
involves making choices. Realizing you have choices and making them is
empowering. Empowerment leads to confidence, and the courage to
question and challenge the status quo. Making stuff and sharing it is a
social and political act, which opens avenues for communication. That
can help prevent us from becoming mindless drones subservient to the
mass media, politicians, advertisers and commercial interests that have
constructed the consumer culture for the purposes of distracting and
desensitizing us from reality.

Make it up, make do, make it real, make it personal, make it public.
Make it work, make it accessible, make it cheap, make it fun, make it
serious. Make it loud or soft, make it bright or dim, make it big or
small. Make it obvious, make it subtle, make it to be touched, tasted,
smelled, heard. Make it open to interpretation, open for discussion,
open to criticism. Make it open. Make it from found stuff, made stuff,
recycled, reused and repaired stuff. Make it from scratch, from a kit,
a mix, a box. Make it new or make it old. Make it specific, make it
general, make it purposeful, make it pointless. Make it a question,
make it an answer, make it clear, make it vague. Make it high tech,
make it lo-fi, make it inclusive.

Just make it. When you're done, make more and make different. No need
to explain, justify, apologize, or validate. Make it, and let it go.

Dare to fail big, and attempt to change the world. Resist conformity,
think for yourself and go make some stuff of your very own."

From gapingvoid